Book claims Igbos and Yorubas migrated from Egypt

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How The Hebrew Language and Arab Language originated from the fusion of
Yoruba Egyptian Saa Language and Igbo Cushitic Nubian Kaa Language

Read Also: Do you know Adachi and Chinda are both Igbo and Japanese names?

The non-tonal Saa Language was spoken in North Africa and ancient Egypt from 8,000 B.C to 1,000 B.C. It is now known as Egyptian Saa Language. Egyptian Saa Language is the ancestor of the Yoruba language. Likewise, the non-tonal Kaa Language was spoken in South Africa and ancient Nubia from 8,000 B.C. to 1,000 B.C. It is now known as Cushitic Kaa Language. Cushitic Nubian Kaa Language is the ancestor of the Igbo language.

Ancient Egypt and ancient Cushitic Nubia were next door neighbours. As Cushitic Nubians migrated into Egypt the Saa Language of the Egyptians and the Kaa Language of the Cushitic Nubians gradually merged together to form a new language known as Aramaic. Aramaic is essentially a mixture of Yoruba Egyptian Saa Language and Igbo Cushitic Kaa Language. This new language called Aramaic is the ancestor of both the Modern Hebrew language and Arab languages. Aramaic became the main language (lingua franca) of Egypt thousands of years before the Hebrew migrations out of Egypt. The ancestors of the Jews learnt both the Egyptian Saa Language and Cushitic Nubian language in Egypt as both were spoken there and they also spoke both languages fluently. Therefore, Aramaic was the major language of the ancient Hebrews before emergence of the Hebrew Language which is itself a dialect of Aramaic. As people migrated out of Egypt into Canaan and Mesopotamia Aramaic became the official language or lingua franca of the people of Canaan, the Middle East, and some parts of Europe. The Holy bible was first written in Aramaic and translated latter into Greek.

More Evidence that Igbo people migrated from Ancient Cush (Kwuchi) in Nubia in Sudan through Ancient Egypt into Igbo Land And Yoruba People migrated From Ancient Egypt into Yoruba land
[/b]Igbo words (Cushitic Words) found in the Bible
Cush or Kush means “Kwuchi” or “Chukwu”
Kush is a Hebrew or Aramaic word which means “the dead resurrects”.

The equivalent Igbo words or ancient Cushitic words that means the same thing is “kwu chi” or “kwuchi” or “chi okwu” or “Chukwu”. The equivalent Yoruba words or ancient Egyptian words that means the same thing is “Okwu jhi” or “jhi Okwu”.

[b]Talitha Cumi (found at Mark 5:41) means “Nta lite kuo ume”
Talitha Cumi is a Hebrew or Aramaic phrase which means “little child wake up and start breathing”.
The equivalent Igbo words or ancient Cushitic words that means the same thing is “Nta lite kuo ume”.
The equivalent Yoruba words or ancient Egyptian words that means the same thing is “Ndan dide kio mi”.

Cherubim means “Chere Ubim”
Cherubim is a Hebrew or Aramaic phrase which means “guard my home”.

The equivalent Igbo words or ancient Cushitic words that means the same thing is “Chere Ubim”.
The equivalent Yoruba words or ancient Egyptian words that means the same thing is “She eru ibi mi”.

Sabbath means “Asaa bu taa”
Sabbath is a Hebrew or Aramaic phrase which means “today is seventh”.

The equivalent Igbo words or ancient Cushitic words that means the same thing is “Asaa bu taa”.
The equivalent Yoruba words or ancient Egyptian words that means the same thing is “Asaa tun wa” or “Ose tun wa” or “eje tun wa” depending on the dialect.

Deuteronomy means “De tere nu Umu”
Deuteronomy is a Hebrew or Aramaic word which means “written down for the children”.

The equivalent Igbo words or ancient Cushitic words that means the same thing is “De tere nu umu”.
The equivalent Yoruba words or ancient Egyptian words that means the same thing is “Di itan ire fun omo mi”.

Genesis means “Jee na isi isi”
Genesis is a Hebrew or Aramaic word which means “go to the very first”.

The equivalent Igbo words or ancient Cushitic words that means the same thing is “Jee na isi isi”. The equivalent Yoruba words or ancient Egyptian words that means the same thing is “Je eni shi esi”.

More Evidence that Yoruba People migrated From Ancient Egypt into Yoruba land And that Igbo people migrated from Ancient Cush (Kwuchi) [/b]in Nubia in Sudan through Ancient Egypt into Igbo Land
Yoruba words (Ancient Egyptian Words) found in the Bible
The similarity between Aramaic , Hebrew, Yoruba and Igbo languages is evidence that the Yoruba people are descended from ancient Egyptians and the Igbo people are descended from ancient Cush (proper name of Cush is Kwuchi). The similarity or resemblance of the Aramaic language and Hebrew to the Yoruba Egyptian Saa Language and Igbo Cushitic Kaa Language is demonstrated by using quotations from the Bible.

[b]“Eli, Eli, la ma sa bach tha ni” means “Ori, Ori, lo ma sa ba tan mi”
In the Gospels Jesus spoke in Hebrew or Aramaic:
“Eli, Eli, la ma sa bach tha ni” meaning “My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?”.
The equivalent of this same statement having the same meaning in the Egyptian Saa Language is:
“Ori, Ori, lo ma sa ba tan mi” meaning “My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?”.

The equivalent of this same statement having the same meaning in the modern Yoruba Language is:
“Olu, Olu, lo ma sa ba da mi” meaning “My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?”.

“Jerusalem” means “Je eru sala imu”
Another example is the Hebrew or Aramaic words “Jerusalem” which translates literally as “Let the slaves escape capture”. In the Egyptian Saa Language and in the modern Yoruba language the equivalent sentence is “je eru sa la imu” meaning “Let the slaves escape capture”. This means that the walled and fortified city of Jerusalem was originally built by slaves that escaped from their masters and sought refuge and security in it.

“Abraham” means “A bura aha imu”
Another example is the Hebrew or Aramaic words “Abraham” which translates literally as “an oath (or covenant) was sworn and he was chosen”. In the Egyptian Saa Language and in the modern Yoruba language the equivalent sentence is “A bura aha imu” meaning “an oath (or covenant) was sworn and he was chosen”. This means that Abraham was a man who had an oath or covenant with God.

“Aram” means “Ara mi”
Another example is the Hebrew or Aramaic words “Aram” which translates literally as “My brethren”. In the Egyptian Saa Language and in the modern Yoruba language the equivalent sentence is “Ara mi” meaning “My brethren” or “My body” depending on the context in which it was used.

“Arab” means “Ara ibi”
Another example is the Hebrew or Aramaic words “Arab” which translates literally as “the brethren’s place”. In the Egyptian Saa Language and in the modern Yoruba language the equivalent sentence is “Ara ibi” meaning “the brethren’s place” or “the body in this place” depending on the context in which it was used.

“Arabia” means “Ara ibi a”
Another example is the Hebrew or Aramaic words “Arabia” which translates literally as “our brethren’s place”. In the Egyptian Saa Language and in the modern Yoruba language the equivalent sentence is “Ara ibi a” meaning “our brethren’s place” or “our body in this place” depending on the context in which it was used.

“Arania” means “Ara ini a”
Another example is the Hebrew or Aramaic words “Arania” which translates literally as “our brethren’s possession”. In the Egyptian Saa Language and in the modern Yoruba language the equivalent sentence is “Ara ini a” meaning “our brethren’s possession” or “our possessed body” depending on the context in which it was used.

“Allah” means “Ala”
Another example is the Aramaic or Arabic word “Allah” which translates literally as “Provider”. In the Egyptian Saa Language and in the modern Yoruba language the equivalent sentence is “Ala” meaning “our allower” or “our survival” or “our provider” depending on the context in which it was used. It should be mentioned here that Ala is an ancient deity or idol worshiped by the Saa people and Kaa people who are the ancestors of both the Egyptians and the Yoruba and Igbo people. Since the ancient times till today, traditional priests of Odinani in Igbo land still worship Ala.

“a sala mu a lekum” means “a sala imu ni a nikun”
Another example is the Arabic sentence “a sala mu a lekum” which translates literally as “Escape from capture (i.e. peace) in abundance”. In the Egyptian Saa Language and in the modern Yoruba language the equivalent sentence is “a sala imu ni a nikun” meaning “Escape from capture (i.e. peace) in abundance”.

“alu bari ka” means “alo dari kawo”
Another example is the Arabic sentence “alu bari ka” which translates literally as “going on trade and returning with money to count”. In the Egyptian Saa Language and in the modern Yoruba language the equivalent sentence is “alo dari kawo” meaning “going on trade and returning with money to count”.


By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst