No need to keep copy and pasting your campaign data. Dataslayer is here to help you import all that data into Google Sheets, and with just a few clicks! You can easily build your own dashboards and automate PPC reports.
Dataslayer saves you time with by providing features like the update function that can give you real-time data with just one click. You also have the option to schedule the updates and have the new data sent to your email. That way, you don’t even need to open to see it.
Current destinations include: Google Sheets, Google Data Studio, BI Tools & BigQuery.
How does Dataslayer do all these time-saving for you? It’s possible due to the integrations that Dataslayer has with third-party tool APIs.
At present, Dataslayer has the following integrations:
Google Ads
Facebook Ads
Facebook Insights
Facebook Public Data
Google My Business
Google Search Console
Google Analytics
Microsoft Advertising (Bing)
Instagram Ads (through the Facebook Ads data source)
Instagram Insights
Instagram Public Data
Tik Tok Ads
Snapchat Ads
Apple Search Ads
And many more Why You Need It will save you countless hours of copy-pasting all your campaigns data from several data sources into one place. helps you gather all your data, in real time, with just a few clicks, so you can start working on your pivot tables or reports sooner.
What’s more? Importing your data into Google Sheets will also have you benefit from the versatility of the Google Platform and allow you work collaboratively with other members of your team.
Full disclosure: I am a affiliate and will make a cut on commissions should you buy from the link below.
Easy To Switch From Supermentrics
If you’ve been itching to switch from Supermentrics for years but held on because of because of all the queries you would need to do from scratch? Dataslayer has developed a migration solution that imports all your Supermetrics’ queries into Dataslayer so you can keep working like before but saving money while having the best support by your side.
Don’t take our word for it. Why start a Free Trial of Dataslayer today? Click the link below to get started.
Wow! Thanks for the info.
This is so amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the information
Nice one. Thanks for updating.
Amazing! Thanks for sharing.
Very informative