Aconference of Igbo leaders recently asked the millions of South East Igbos outside the South East to return and develop their region. But that call is not likely to be heeded.
This is because as of this time, there is very high insecurity in the South East. People can wake up and boldly decide to seize someone else’s land and brazenly attempt to kill the real owners. This is a growing trend that needs to be checked.
If Igboland must be saved, the criminals who are trying to take it over and steal everything in it have to be stopped by the long arm of the law, and by a society willing to speak out and stand up for the truth.
If you say it’s none of your business, whose business is it then.
There is an urgent need for strong value reorientation. If that happens, Igbos will flood back to the east with business cash, a further develop it. Afterall, it is one-half of the Igbo homeland.
How You Can Join To Stop Land Grabbing
If you are Igbo in the South East, I urge you to take a stand today against land grabbing and other disgraceful crimes by sharing any disgraceful stories you have of such online. Land grabbing in Igbo Land must stop.
If you are in law enforcement, don’t let the greedy landgrabbers inflence you with their fithy bribes. You owe Igbo Land that action.
Land grabbing in Igbo Land must stop.
I quite agree