​Simple Secret Of Buying Stuff At Idumota Market Lagos (copied)

So you loved Idumota market and you loved to shop stuffs at idumota market? Ok….
Dat stuffs u tink u bought cheap on d street or shops along Nnamdi Azikiwe street and other outer part of Idumota market, so you think u got it for cheap!? Ok…

I’ve bought packs of singlets, body cream, cologn/perfume always on d outside till my babe told me to go inner shops, and wolla dey are almost half d prices i bought on d outside street shops of the market!

So, This are the secret of buying relatively cheap at idumota market specially if ur a newbie in d market…
Any stuff u buy along the road on d outside of d main idumota market is uhhhh, ohhhh, hmmmm cheap! But if u go a little further inside d marker dat same stuff u but on d outer marker is relatively cheaper wit like maybe #300 difference!…and if u decided to go a little more further into d market u’ll get dat stuff dats relatively cheaper by #300 for #400 cheapie*.
 Then if u go a little bit bit more more further u’ll get d same stuff #400/#500 cheapie cheapie*. Thats according to d stuff ur buying.
Now you know!

Categorized as News

By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst


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