Why The Media Needs To Stop Being Too Critical Of Trump

A recent survey by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News found that more than 50% of those surveyed said the media are being too critical of President Trump and his administration. And a similar amount—53%—said that the media’s coverage has overblown any problems within the Trump government.

I said during the closing of the 2016 elections that the media, not the Democratic Party, would become the main opposition to Donald Trump after he wins, and I have been proven right. But is it helping the media. Americans seem to be seeing that their is an overdrive by certain sections of the media in criticizing Trump, as if they are out to get him, not to hold him to account as should be the normal job of the media.

The media has to be very careful in how they do this Trump thing, because just as real political parties suffer for things like this (remember the Clinton impeachment blowback against the Republicans) the media can also suffer from being politically over exposed.

But unlike politicians who can bounce back in the next election cycle a media bankruptcy can be more difficult to bounce back from. The media already has so m6ch on its plate for them to add the obvious burden of being the main ‘opposition party’ to Trump, a showman who is ready to fight in the gutter if its necessary.

Already Trump has excoriated the media, calling them ‘Fake media’. You know what happens when Donald Trump gives his enemies less than palatable nicknames. Remember the nicknames: ‘low energy Jeb’, ‘crooked Hillary’, ‘lying Ted’, etc. Somehow, those names stuck in the imaginations of enough Americans to do real damage.

Don’t forget that Trump’s favourite media is social media, I.e., his Twitter account with millions of followers. The media must tone down its criticism of Trump to include only constructive criticism.

Donald Trump has repeatedly called New York Times the ‘ failing New York Times’ and has assailed them for ‘being forced to to take a bad ad for the first time’. The media has to be careful with how Americans perceive their coverage of Donald J. Trump.

See related story: http://fortune.com/2017/02/27/media-trump-survey/

Categorized as News

By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst


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