Igbo songwriter Uzo Emenike wrote song in Beyonce’s new album Lemonade

A resourceful Igbo, Uzo Emenike, continues to be a big ambassador of Igbo achievement. If you listen to Beyonce’s latest album Lemonade, it is impossible for you not to listen to one of the songs that was written by Mr Emenike. It is a great achievement to write a song that since it is sung by… Continue reading Igbo songwriter Uzo Emenike wrote song in Beyonce’s new album Lemonade

Beyonce and Mariah Carey dazzle at charity fundraiser

The two singing sensations looked simply stunning at the Heartview Global Ball in LA on Thursday! I love the sweet complexions of these ladies and Mariah Carey’s golden brown dress just marched her complexion perfectly. Beyonce, wow Beyonce, you looked absolutely gorgeous. Their exposed cleavages are something to die for. Source: Welcome to Linda Ikeji’s… Continue reading Beyonce and Mariah Carey dazzle at charity fundraiser

Why Beyoncé might just be ‘a black Bill Gates’ 

Beyoncé Knowles says she just might be a black Bill Gates in the making. Though her wealth doesn’t come close to that of the Microsoft founder, there are plenty of similarities between the two. Source: Why Beyoncé might just be ‘a black Bill Gates’ after all – Feb. 8, 2016 Beyonce and her husband just… Continue reading Why Beyoncé might just be ‘a black Bill Gates’