Our Facebook Giveaways: Facebook Is Pay-To-Play: What That May Mean For You

We do quite a number of giveaways on our Facebook Page. But sometimes, not all our Facebook page followers are notified by Facebook. Why is that?

It’s because Facebook currently has a pay-to-play policy. That means if the page owners don’t pay for Facebook ads to boost their content, the content may not reach everyone on their page. It may reach only some people at a time.

So, the solution is try an visit the Facebook page regularly to see what’s going on. Don’t assume that because you didn’t get a notification, nothing is going on. Instead have a regular schedule per week when you just visit our page/site just to see what’s going on.

You may just visit in the middle of a giveaway party and it might just be your lucky day to win!

By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst