Stephen Keshi (RIP) was an avid sportsman, and one of the strong points of sportsmen is that they place a premium on being fit. Exercise becomes part of their work.
Stephen Keshi died at 52 fro cardiac arrest, and this is a man who was a professional footballer for years.
The question that I have not been able to answer in the past few days is: If a physically fit former football star and coach can die from cardiac arrest at 52, where does that leave us that are not football stars – we that manage to exercise only once in a while?
I am sure you have been asking yourself that question. God save us all, But one thing I decided is that I will keep exercising. My faith in exercise may have been shaken in the past few days, but we just can’t stop exercising. We must continue to believe in the benefits of exercise (and I have seen its benefits first hand).
Regular exercises only provides you with 20-30% lesser risk of cardiac arrest however strenuous physical activities might increase the risk of heart attack and sudden death especially if the person is 40 years of age and above due to various reasons:
1. Complete blockade of the blood vessels of the heart due to rupture of a pre-existing small block – This is the most common reason.
2. Clot formation in the blood vessels of the heart due to the abnormal increase in the heart rate and BP leading to stress on the heart.
3. Clot formation in the blood vessels of the lungs.
4. Scar formation in the heart due to a past heart ischaemia.
This is why we are advised to go for constant medical check up especially at our old age.
May his soul continue to rest in peace.