The key with your finances is to make it as easy as possible on yourself. The best way to do this is to automate your finances as much as possible. What this means is that as soon as money comes in, it is dispersed to your other accounts automatically.
For instance, you can set up your finances so that money is taken straight from your paycheck into a retirement investment account, or from your checking account to pay off fixed bills like your internet and cable. The less you can worry about moving your money around and the more you can focus on optimizing it, the better off you’ll be.
The key reason why this works is not only to free up time, but it helps prevent us from wasting money. If we see extra money in our account, we’ll find a way to spend it and then won’t be left with much if any money to invest in ourselves and our future. Automation helps keep our priorities in line and takes the emotions out of it.
Read More Useful Money Tips Here.
I won’t even try this until I’ve made enough money especially the auto-payment of utility bills because there times I decide to stay with dstv
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