According to a Wikipedia entry, these below are the coronation rituals of the Eze NRI. Are you from NRI, please confirm this for us.
The Eze Nri’s chosen by
the Nze and Nzemabua (state leadership) and had to be recognized by the general public.
Before being crowned, he could not have a living father. The potential Eze Nri also had to prove he was the choice of God (Chukwu), Eri (founder of Igbo civilization), the ancestors (“Ndiichie”) and spirits (Alusi) through revelations and visions confirmed by diviners.
After this, he had to travel to Aguleri to obtain a lump of clay from the bottom of the Anambra River used to make the ritual pot (Odudu) for the shrine to Nri Menri.
After various other rituals such as causing the magical ripening of a fruit palm and undergoing a ritual burial and reviving, the Eze Nri was proclaimed and saluted as Igwe (meaning “heavenly one”).