It is said that man is a political animal. But dogs are increasingly being dragged into the game.
Nnamdi Kanu’s recent speech in which he mentioned his late dog ‘Jack’ is an example. Jack was one of the casualties in the attack on Nnamdi Kanu’s house during Operation Python Dance.
The speech reminded me of ex US President Nixon’s ‘Checkers speech’, which he gave to defend himself from political attacks in the 1950s or so. Checkers was the family pet dog, and got embroiled in a lot of political controversy.
I also remember the man who got involved in controversy after naming his dog after President Buhari. President Bill Clinton wrote in his biography, My Life, about a neighbor who named his pet dog Clinton, and would call it as a way to taunt his (Clinton’s) dad.
It appears that dogs, like mankind, have become political animals.