At least one family is not affected by the current high price of foodstuff in Lagos. This is because in their compund right within the cosmopolitan city of Lagos, they have planted all soughts of foodstuffs, including cocoa yam, plantain, as well as assorted vegetables.
You can bet that they don’t need to spend much on food, because they can just come to their frontage and pick what they want to cook, instead of going to the market to buy. This citu farmnis a challenge to us city dwellers to try as much as possible to grow some of the food we will be eating in this tough times. See photos of their mini farm below.
Hope you will call us to cover your mini farm soon. You can start with qiucj-growing crops like rice, and/or melons, which take just 3 months to mature. Another tip: starting a mini farm in your compound can create room for income-on-demand, as you may be able to sell some of the produce if need be. Nigerians, let us embrace this agriculture of a thing.
Nice 1
Food before anything at least.