The Bible quotes the Lord Jesus Christ as saying that in the last days before His return, there will be wars and rumours of war.
For that sake people point to every next war as the sign that the second coming of Jesus is imminent.
They pointed to the first Gulf War as the sign; then to the second Gulf War; then to America’s missile strike on Syria; then to Trump’s tense year with Kim Jung Un and to so many other conflicts.
The truth is that there have always been wars and rumours of war. No be today.
What that tells me is that Jesus Christ was likely telling the disciples that he can return at any time, so they and others should always be prepared.
Indeed, don’t be surprised if you check and find out that at that moment Jesus Christ was saying there would be wars and rumours of war, that there were already wars and rumours of war.
Remember Jesus used to speak in parables. Remember when he talked about his death. How did he do it? He told the Pharisees that he would destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days.
Many of the Pharisees didn’t know he was talking of his death – how he would die and resurrect on the third day. So, don’t wait for a sign to get serious. Get serious, for the signs have always been there.
Very correct!
May His grace help us through the journey of life.