Discontent can keep you from becoming impervious to success. Something keeps pushing you. There’s something in front keeping you motivated.
When you lose motivation, you become like a car without fuel. That burning spark no longer there to impel your feet forward.
Always set forth a vision. Have something to look forward to. Science tells us that unused muscles tend to anthropy. Many have lost the muscular flexibility they had at younger years simply because of lack of use.
The Book of Proverbs in the Bible says where there’s no vision, the people perish.
In other words, they stop developing and start stagnating or even disintegrate as a united force.
We should always motivate ourselves. It keeps us going
Motivation is the key word.
We should always have something to look forward to.
Find something to do, to make you.happy.
Try as much as possible to put worries aside and always be positive in yourself.
Just vibes well and be positive.