Thinking of earning some cash? You can earn Igbodefender Points by posting status updates on and then later you request a withdrawal. If it’s approved you get money paid into you bank account. What can you post as status update? Your thoughts. Your reactions. You get?
Tag: Igbodefender Points
How You Can Make Money Through Igbodefender Points
If you are registered, you can make money through Igbodefender Points by creating content on Registration is free. You can then place a Withdraw Request. If the site approves (why not!?) You get money paid to you.
@enemona56 (Pheranmi) Wins Consistent Forum Reply Creator Of The Month 500 Igbodefender Point Prize (Feb 2022)
@enemona56 has won the Consistent Forum Reply Creator prize of 500 Igbodefender Points (N500.00) for February 2022. He’s been very active in making both funny and serious replies on the forum. Congrats enemona56.
@shecksman Wins Topic Creator Of The Month 500 IgbodefenderPoints Prize (Feb, 2022)
@shecksman is the Topic Creator of the month of February. He wins a Prize of 500 Igbodefender Points (N500.00) for that feat. Congrats @shecksman! See samples of @shecksman’s topics here and here.
3 People To Win N1000 Each: Valentine Giveaway 2022
To enter this giveaway, click on the Naira photo below. And once inside the page, wait a few moments for the post to load.