Someone in Nairaland believes that the arrest of Ifeanyi Uba for Treason and Economic Sabotage and his sudden unconditional release after 6 weeks shows how Nigeria ‘chases away its local and foreign investors’. On Nairaland he wrote:
Why would someone who was accused by the state for treason and economic sabotage, and inciting of national industrial unrest. All of a sudden you release him unconditionally? After assassinating his character as a thief. Because according to the State, he stole something that was kept under his watch for safe keeping.
Does it mean, that after six weeks of detention, and investigations, he didn’t do what he was accuse of doing? Instead of the government to treat a business dispute as it was, they imported national security language of “treason” and “economic sabotage” only to dehumanise someone who have rescued us at a time we needed a rescuer.
Everyday, we talk of attracting foreign investors and their investments, yet from the way we treat our local investors, we are indirectly asking the outsiders to stay away.I wonder why his unconditional release did not make news headline like his arrest!
Why Naija, Why?!
His contribution had attracted 211 Likes and 12 Shares as at the time of publishing this. Do you think he is right? I think if they assasinated Ifeanyi Uba’s character, he has the right to sue if he so wishes.
May God help us