To Succeed In Life, You Need Two Things…

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    • #57338

      To succeed in life, you need 2 things, ignorance and confidence – Mark Twain.

      Ignorance means not knowing about something. For example, if I am ignorant of something, I don’t know much about it.

      We are thought that knowledge – which is an opposite of ignorance – is a key to success. We go to school or learn a trade so that we can know more and succeed with the new knowledge.

      So, what kind of ignorance can help someone to succeed?

    • #57339

      The right kind of ignorance will help one to succeed

    • #57341

      Health and wealth will help us to succeeded in life

    • #57353

      @omaonu can you shed more light on what you describe as the right kind of ignorance?

    • #57354

      @yamcy are you saying that health and wealth can lead to the kind of ignorance that can bring success as Mark Twain suggested in the quote above.

    • #57363

      @cake if one is ignorant of other people’s opinion he or she will be of good mindset. He or she would be able to form his or her own opinion based on firsthand experience. One will be able to think and to innovate which in turn brings about success. That is the right kind of ignorance I am talking about.

    • #57365

      The wrong kind of ignorance will lead to failure, not success. And also the wrong kind of confidence can lead to failure.

    • #57368

      @omaonu Great point! The kind of ignorance Mark Twain was saying leads to success is the right kind of ignorance, as you described.

      That is ignorance of the statement ‘it can never be done’.

      I buttress my point with the story of how Henry Ford, the founder of Ford, the car manufacturer ‘invented’ mass car manufacturing.

      In those days, cars were only for the ultra-rich the way private jets are today for the ultra-rich.

      The less wealthy folks made do with the good ol horse and carriage. But Henry Ford was determined that cars should be more affordable.

      So, he made a design for a more affordable car he called the ModelT. Now, Ford didn’t have much of a formal education. And the educated engineers he approached with the plan told him it wouldn’t work.

      But Ford decided to be ignorant that one time, and insisted that they implement his plan for the ModelT. And guess what, the engineers were able to make Ford’s design work.

      And Ford and the engineers made a ton of money selling the more affordable ModelT to a mass market. That was a first in car manufacturing history.

      And it happened because Henry Ford was confident of his design and also decided to be ignorant of the advice that it wouldn’t work.

      Being ignorant in this sense doesn’t mean that you should never take advice from people with experience. It means you may have to make up your own mind if you should follow the advice they’ve given you or not.

    • #57443

      Without confidence, you cannot achieve success. But confidence and ignorance cannot always go side by side. They need to be applied in balance. This is the only simple way to achieve success in your life.

    • #57445

      Yes ignorance and confidence lead to many success achievement bcos if have that confidence u can comfront any body

    • #57599

      @yamcy then tell us how do we check balance confidence and ignorance?

    • #57886

      Thanks man 💚

    • #58110

      Health and wealth

    • #58148
      Blessing Olugu

      [quote quote=57363] @cake if one is ignorant of other people’s opinion he or she will be of good mindset. He or she would be able to form his or her own opinion based on firsthand experience. One will be able to think and to innovate which in turn brings about success. That is the right kind of ignorance I am talking about.[/quote]nice one

    • #58150
      Blessing Olugu

      [quote quote=57443]Without confidence, you cannot achieve success. But confidence and ignorance cannot always go side by side. They need to be applied in balance. This is the only simple way to achieve success in your life.[/quote]really?

    • #58151
      Blessing Olugu

      [quote quote=57445]Yes ignorance and confidence lead to many success achievement bcos if have that confidence u can comfront any body[/quote]yes you are right you must have the confidence to stand for your goals in life

    • #58153
      Blessing Olugu

      [quote quote=57365]The wrong kind of ignorance will lead to failure, not success. And also the wrong kind of confidence can lead to failure.[/quote]exactly

    • #58359

      Of course yes

    • #58434

      [quote quote=57445]Yes ignorance and confidence lead to many success achievement bcos if have that confidence u can comfront any body[/quote]confidence is very powerful

    • #58878

      What are the two things ooo

    • #58879

      The only one I know is faithful

    • #58880

      Though trustworthy is part too

    • #58881

      Well if u love God all this things u will do it and loving God covered everything

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