Respect is an essential human value. It
concerns people in society and is defined as an attitude of dignified awe, admiration or esteem for a person. Often, respect grows as a result of a person’s achievements. Everyone deserves respect, but not many receive it.
One of the rules of respect is that is reciprocal. That is: in order to demand respect, you’ll have to treat others with respect. Respect begets respect.
The word ‘Respect’ contains just 7 letters. But it means so much for people and even for nations. Some go about getting respect in the right way, while other go about getting it in the wrong way. The aim of this article is to give you the tools or remind you of the tools needed for getting respect the right way in a romantic relationship.
In a relationship, respect means both partners listening to each other, and respecting each other’s opinions even if they don’t agree with it. It means understanding the other’s emotions. It means not putting your partner down in front of others. It means not disrespecting your partner by behaving flirtatiously in a way that’ll make others mock your partner. It means not treating your partner as a punching bag and guarding the urge to use your tongue as a weapon to make your partner miserable.
Below are some tips that’ll help you gain more respect in your relationship.

- First of all it is very important to have self-respect. Treat yourself with respect. Carry yourself as if you deserve respect. If she sees that you don’t have any respect for yourself
she might decide that she doesn’t have to show you respect because it doesn’t seem important to you at all. If your partner does something you are not okay with, tell her the truth with love. Don’t cause a quarrel. Just let her know that you are particular about this or that. If she is the respectful type, she’ll likely apologize and try to put you into consideration next time. Or at least she’ll know where you stand. But don’t become a nag in the process. Remember that as relationship expert Dale Carnegie said in his book, How To Win Friends And Influence People’, marriage is not a field of candor, but a field of diplomacy. Sometimes you have to decide to overlook certain things if they aren’t too important. Remember that no one (including you) is perfect. - What you give is what you take. Show respect if you want to be respected. Everyone wants to be admired and appreciated. If you show your partner that they are important to you, you’ll
easily be in their good graces. Be attentive, give genuine compliments (flattery) and make them feel comfortable with you. If they don’t feel comfortable with you, then who will they feel comfortable with?? Simply admire the person you are with and listen carefully when she talks, so, she’ll love to spend time with you. People often prefer to be around those that make them feel good. - Make Her Smile In Your Own Way. Women love men who make them smile or laugh. If you are funny then you are lucky. If you are not, don’t repair: there are other ways you can make women smile or laugh. For instance, you may make a woman smile by taking her on interesting dates. If you don’t have the money to take her on that romantic cruise, still I say, don’t despair. You can still bring out that smile by random acts of kindness that show her that you care for her, or that if you had more money at that moment, you’d have done more. For instance, if you know how to cook, you could surprise her with a breakfast-in-bed. Women love such attentions. If you cannot cook, still don’t despair: you can wash the dishes while she’s enjoying her sleep. When she wakes up and sees all the dishes she’s about to wash all washed up and clean, I can bet the next sentence that she’ll smile in appreciation, and may possibly give you a special reward 🙂. Make it your goal to make her smile, and the chances are that she’ll chose you as The One. Women have so many problems that men are not often aware of. Make her problems reduce in your own little or big way, and the chances are she’ll value you more.
- Don’t lie. We all know women don’t like being lied to. If she eventually finds out that you were deceiving her all along, she’ll likely despice you. A little story here: To get a woman to marry him, a man once lied about his house and job. The woman fell in love with him on the basis of that. After the marriage, he revealed the truth to the new bride. She was disappointed. Their honeymoon became a hornet storm of quarrelism, accusations of betrayal, desperate attempts at justification and placation, growing mistrust and other sad things. Today, that woman as lost respect for the man. True, the man actually loved the woman. But because he felt he didn’t have the material things that would make her agree to marry him, he decided to trap her by lying and conjuring a false reality, hoping to fix it all up quickly. But the state of the economy prevented him from doing so. So, was it worth it? Now the woman whose admiration he wanted to win has recrimination for him. He gambled and has so far lost. But take the case of another man. He decided to tell his woman the truth of his situation. The first one left him. She didn’t think she could deal. The next one heard his story but saw in him the traits of a focused man with potentials. She got married to him And today, they live in a state of too-much-money. In fact, their marriage is a case of happily ever after. So, which approach is better for you? You decide.
- Even if your woman provokes you, don’t hit her. The law and society frown at domestic violence. Instead, you can remain calm, activate your self-control mode, or leave he scene rather than reacting violently. Later, when things are clamer, you two can talk things over in a mature way to see if things can work out. But don’t hit her, please.
Signs Your Woman Respects You. Does she:
- let you feel comfortable being yourself?
- appreciate the little things you do for her?
- admit when she is wrong instead of throwing a temper tantrum?
- show willingness to compromise in order to accommodate you?
- respect your opinions and feelings even when she doesn’t agree with them?
- try to resolve conflicts by talking honesty?
Relationships founded on love and respect have a chance of going far. You now have some tools to build respect in your relationships.
By Prince Charles Offokaja
Nice article. A lot of relationship tips to learn.
Excellent write up.
I appreciate your insights.
Exactly, respect is everything in relationship
Wow! What a wonderful write-up full of lessons and knowledge of the truth. Thanks so much @cake for this article.
can writer also tell us how women can be respected
Thanks for this information
This is very helpful. Thank you @cake
@cake I believe you are a woman and i hope you are respecting your husband as well
Sorry I meant to take @yamcy for my previous comment and not @cake
Lovely tips