Why A Donald Trump Loss In Wisconsin Wouldn’t Really Hurt Him

According to the latest poll numbers coming out of Trump foe Scott Walker’s state, Wisconsin, Republican front-runner Donald Trump is trailing Senator Ted Cruz by 10 percentage points. Ā Ted Cruz is at 40%, while The Donald is at 30%. But a loss to Ted Cruz in the primaryĀ would only be a short-term embarrassment for Donald…… Continue reading Why A Donald Trump Loss In Wisconsin Wouldn’t Really Hurt Him

Louisiana Primary: Donald Trump threatens lawsuit against Republican Party

Donal Trump has threatened a lawsuit over what he sees as unfairness that favours his rival Ted Cruz in the Republican primary, especially as concerns the Louisiana primary. He made the threat via a tweet on his twitter handle. See tweet below. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/714198237675003904 Donald Trump is known to attack rivals that he sees as threats,…… Continue reading Louisiana Primary: Donald Trump threatens lawsuit against Republican Party

How The Romney Family stopped Donald Trump in Utah

In an effort to stop Donald Trump, the Romney family rallied the Mormons who make up 60% of Utah’s population – and to whom Mitt Romney is a church leaders – Ā to stop Trump in the Utah US primaries. They directed votes to Ted Cruz. Because of that, Ted Cruz won all 40 delegates from…… Continue reading How The Romney Family stopped Donald Trump in Utah

Donald Trump threatens to expose Ted Cruz’s Wife

In response to a campaign ad that showed his wife posing naked for a modeling shoot, Republican front-runnerĀ Donald Trump has threatened Ted Cruz that if he Cruz isn’t careful, he The Donald would ‘spill the beans on Heidi Cruz, Ted’s wife. In response. Cruz denied being behind the campaign ad that had angered Trump. It…… Continue reading Donald Trump threatens to expose Ted Cruz’s Wife

Republican Establishment Using Kryptonite To Weaken Superman Trump

Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton in Sunday’s Maine Caucus, while Marco Rubio easily beat Donald Trump in Hispanic-dominatedĀ US Common Wealth of Puerto Rico in the latest contests in the Democratic and Republican primaries. What this shows basically is that the contest is not yet over. Donald Trump is going through a poor period as recent…… Continue reading Republican Establishment Using Kryptonite To Weaken Superman Trump