We just stumbled upon a description of the Eboes (Igbos) by a European, Adolphe Burdo in the 1800s. “…it was here that I first saw copper-coloured negroes who are found everywhere in Ebo; they are fine men, well-grown and carry their heads proudly; they nearly all have blue eyes. They talk a great deal, and… Continue reading Is this 19th century European description of the Eboes (Igbos) right?
Tag: Ebo
(Identifying Igbo Variants During the Era of the Slave Trade) By Ishaq D. Al-Sulaimani Vernon (Alufiel) Grier, Ed.D INTRODUCTION It is universally recognized that Igbo is the correct spelling of the tribe that currently comprises the majority of the inhabitants of south-eastern Nigeria and of whom are readily associated with the Biafran revolution, however during… Continue reading THE GREATER IGBO NATION