Çyprîãñõ Ãlvês Wins Igbodefender.com Site Presidential Vote!

Çyprîãñõ Ãlvês has won the presidential vote at igbodefender.com. He polled passed other strong contenders like Okoro Faith Oluchi Double David and Onyebuchi Ikea to win. Congrats. Çyprîãñõ Ãlvês joins Oluchukwu John who is President of the Igbodefender Facebook Group as a president this week. Watch out for next week’s add-yourself election. Congrats Çyprîãñõ Ãlvês…… Continue reading Çyprîãñõ Ãlvês Wins Igbodefender.com Site Presidential Vote!

Doctors: How To Migrate To US/Canada

Saw this resource about how doctors can migrate to the US and Canada and decided to share for those who might need the info. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02SQSRxkg5AZNWgNXq3Z4Gudd3GKs3UoevKiA54wr8X7dA3Foci4c79Dugo5YfAW9ml&id=100067990807007&sfnsn=scwspmo&mibextid=RUbZ1f