Canada’s Advice To It’s Citizens Trapped In Sudan

Meanwhile the Canadian government has told its citizens in Sudan to “shelter in a safe place”, keep their phones charged, doors and windows locked and “consider leaving the country if there’s a safe means to do so”. This is difficult advice to keep, considering that electricity supply equipment has been damaged, as reported by…… Continue reading Canada’s Advice To It’s Citizens Trapped In Sudan

The Issue Is Still On; We Will Reward Those That Came Out On The Top 13 Table Since Yesterday With 500 Mb Each While Technical Team Tries To Fix It

The technical fault is still on. The game cannot be fair like this. So we will reward those who have entered the table since yesterday with 500mb each. They are Stella, Katepresh, Pink, Nenbabe, Jason Ukwuoma, Nonso David, Juicypromise, and Potal. When the issue is fixed, we shall inform you. For now, you have our…… Continue reading The Issue Is Still On; We Will Reward Those That Came Out On The Top 13 Table Since Yesterday With 500 Mb Each While Technical Team Tries To Fix It

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