Experts wonder why Coronavirus hasn’t hit Africa hard

In the link below, experts wonder why coronavirus seems to have spared Africa so far. This has led experts to wonder why. They are wondering wether it is because: 1. Africans are genetically immune to the virus Africa’s hot weather kills off Coronavirus 3: Wether it is because Africans don’t visit affected countries in sufficient…… Continue reading Experts wonder why Coronavirus hasn’t hit Africa hard

Will The Taliban Become Another Sinn Féin?

Sinn Féin has a chance to form the next government of the Republic of Ireland after besting the 2 traditional government-forming parties in the just concluded general election. But it wasn’t always a party known for democratic participation. Once upon a time there was religious war in Northern Ireland between Catholic Sinn Féin, its military…… Continue reading Will The Taliban Become Another Sinn Féin?