Ndikeluonwu Kingdom Searches For Its Long-Lost Prince After Author, HRH Chukwuemeka Ike Dies

The king is dead. Author of The Bottled Leopard, HRH Igwe Chukwuemeka Ike is dead, but the people of the Igbo Kingdom of Ndikeluonwu cannot yet say ‘long live the new king’. This is because Chukuemeja Ike’s only grandson has not been seen by the Ndikeluonwu royal family for decades. See details of this developing…… Continue reading Ndikeluonwu Kingdom Searches For Its Long-Lost Prince After Author, HRH Chukwuemeka Ike Dies

News Flash: Flashing No Longer Enough For Used Phone You Want To Sell

Once upon a time, if you wanted to sell your old phone, all you needed to do was to flash it, and all your personal info would be erased. Not anymore. Now there is free online software that people could use to scan the phone and extract info from a flashed phone. Luckily, there is…… Continue reading News Flash: Flashing No Longer Enough For Used Phone You Want To Sell